Blog Bowman


Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm Jen Adam Bitch

Jen Adam Bitch! For those of you who don't know me really well, you may not know about the love of my life. My girlfriend of 6 1/2 years, Jennifer, is a senior at The College of Notre Dame of Maryland. She will get a degree in Liberal Studies in May then go right back to school in June to accomplish all the graduate study courses she needs and receive her Master's degree in Education. She currently works 1:1 intensively with children who have been diagnosed with Autism. Her goal is to become a Special Educator.

Jen loves to shop and travel. She is constantly comming up with exotic places that we can travel to together. I have to bring her back to reality and explain to her that we are poor and need to wait a little longer until we travel the world. This doesn't really work though, inevitably the next day she will come up with another idea.

Jennifer grew up in Baltimore City and moved to Harford county when she was in the fifth grade. She attend the same high school as I and we met my senior year, her sophomore year, in a Spanish class and have been inseparable ever since.

Jennifer is the most importaint person in my life. She completes me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. We've come so far together and have grown tremendiously, both as a couple and individually. I am so pround of everything that we have accomplished but I still know that the future holds many twists and turns for us. However, I know that with the love that we share we can face and overcome any struggle that comes our way!

Monday, September 26, 2005

My So Called Life....

Well, since my last posting a lot has happened. First, my surgery has been completed. But not without any drama. I tried to get my old insurance reinstated, but that would have pushed my surgery date back since the new insurance didn't include the doctor or hospital that I was seeing. So, surgery was good. The doc didn't even cut me, he put the pins in and used wires to fix the break. I've had no pain and haven't even touched my pain pills. I also still have no medical insurance.

On Friday, my girlfriend and I went to dinner at TGI Fridays and I lost my wallet. Thankfully, I only had a few dollars in it. However, I lost my license, bank card, credit cards, school i.d. and other importaint swipe cards that are essential.

Saturday came and I got the very pricey hospital bill from last week. You know that just added complete joy to my day!!

I also recieved a letter from this guys insurance agency whom I'd had a fender bender with in July. We were both backing up and hit each other. The insurance company said that we were both at fault. I went ahead and paid my deductable and got my car fixed, thinking the case was closed. Well, Saturday things changed. This man must of lied to his insurance company and they sent me this letter stating that I needed to pay for his damage and that if I didn't contact them within 21 days that they were going to sue me. Wonderful.

So ,today, things are finally starting to look up a little. I went to cancel all my credit cards and get a new license, which was cheaper then I thought it was going to be. Then I went to State Farm, my insurance, and talked to them about this whole accident thing. They assured me that they were going to re-open my case, which I had a witness, and they were going to get a lawyer to represent me. They said that things were looking good on my side.

Hopefully in the up comming days things will take a turn for the better. Until then, I'm just thankful that my troubles are nothing compared to those who fell short of Hurricane Katrina.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

9/20 is the date

Yep, I think it's broken!!!
Okay, for those who have been keeping an update on my status with a broken thumb, check out the x-rays. On Tuesday, at 11AM, I will be in surgery to repair the thumb by having a pin inserted between the two broken bones. As of now, I still dont have insurance but have been working on getting reinstated with my prior health coverage (through COBRA). I might still have troubles because all the "hear-say" I have been hearing that Kaiser Permanmente doesn't allow a surgery to happened without their approval. I will post later about my views on HMO and Kaiser especially if they dont help me. Until the next posting check out the pictures and my Digg news for the technology lovers.
Damn, there's no question it's broken--way to go cripple!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My poor thumb

5 days after breaking my thumb
As some of my loyal readers may know I had broken my left thumb on Tuesday night. I was playing a softball game (beer league) and I had dove across my body to make a catch. The good news, I made a remarkable play and caught the ball. The bad news is I broke the thumb in the process.

As of right now, I am waiting to see the doctor on Wednesday. I went to a different bone doctor last Thursday but he wasn't able to help me because I need surgery. The doctor was big-hearted because when he found out that I didn't have any health insurance, he didn't charge for my visit. Thanks Doc! Hopefully, this doctor can setup an quick surgery session (with a payment plan) and get this thumb back to 100%. I'll keep everyone inform about the thumb when I recieve more news.

Check out these two hands, can you see a difference?  No thumb nuckle on the left hand =/

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Are Gas Stations Gouging?

This is ridiculous! Gas stations are gouging gas prices since everyone is in a panic from Katrina. Katrina shouldn't even effect Maryland gas situation because there are plenty of local refineries to give us an adequet supply. Thursday afternoon I went to school and saw that gas prices when up from $2.60 to $2.99--okay, that caught my eye. By the time I came home from school, gas prices had jump from $2.99 to $3.54. So, I went and bought gas out of fear that I would have paid a higher price. I pulled in the cheapest gas station to fill up my Tiburon with a half tank already in it and it cost me $24. That might not seem like much but remember I only got a half of a tank. Therefore, a full tank would cost me roughly $48 and that is a hefty pay out from commuting college student. When will the government step in and say, "Okay, you guys are definitely gouging these prices to make extra off of a national diaster." How long will the price war over gas continue to climb the ladder while we have other local refineries to give us plenty of gas? How long?