Blog Bowman


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Congats to Tommy & Heather

Tommy and HeatherFrom Berman's
Tommy and Heather went up to NYC for the weekend and by the time they came back home they were engaged. Tommy and Heather have been dating since November 2003 and are looking to spend a lifetime of memories together. They are planning on having their wedding sometime in June 2007.

Once again, Congrats!!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Come on March

I have to admit, the weather this winter has not been as bad as our past years but I am ready for the warm weather coming strolling back in our every day lives. After tomorrow we are about to go into our trickiest month, March. Hopefully, we'll have warmer days than cold days because I am just sick of coldness.

Note to everyone: I think I'm coming down with something so my mood is terrible =/

In the meantime, check out this Marriage Contract--he is a sick pup.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Vagina Monologues

Jennifer has been working hard over the past few months as apart of the production " The Vagina Monolouges". It's a series of monologues from women who have had common experiences in their lifetime, ranging from sexual abuse, going to the gyn, periods and childbirth. This year the V-Day spotlight focuses on "Comfort Women", who were women used as sex slaves in the Japanese War. These women are demanding an apology from the Japanese goverment for what was done to them. This will be Jennifer's second year in the play and this year its held at our local community college, Harford Community College and will run for three nights. Some tickets are still available. If you have never heard of V-day or Vagina Monologues, please take the time and explore this site.

"V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls."

Friday, February 10, 2006

Amber Alert!

Bowman on Milk
There was spill of a few days where my Mom and I hadn't seen each other due to conflicting schedules. Before I knew it, there were missing poster of myself around the house and she even went as far to put one on the milk carton.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Welcome Back To The Employment World

Well, it's offical--Bowman is off the unemployment market.

Friday, February 03, 2006

It was a good day

I went Yellow Perch fishing with a good buddy of mine, Justin. We caught a decent amount of Yellows along with hand fulls of crappies.

10 Inch Yellow Perch7 Inch Cappie