BOWMAN, AMONG THOSE WHO ROCK, THOUGH ROCKEST THE GREATEST AND THE BOLDEST, AND THOU CONQUEREST ALL. Congratulations for your success, brother. You sure as hell deserve it!
I am a recent graduate of University of Baltimore. My degree is in Information Technology and I just started with an IT related job in the business world. My girlfriend, Jennifer and I have been together for almost seven years.I like fishing and video games as well.
BOWMAN, AMONG THOSE WHO ROCK, THOUGH ROCKEST THE GREATEST AND THE BOLDEST, AND THOU CONQUEREST ALL. Congratulations for your success, brother. You sure as hell deserve it!
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
That should say "Thou" -- sorry:)
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
Way to go Bowman!! It didnt take that long at all. Congrats! welcome to the real world. Wippy:)
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
HEY!!! Congrats man! That's really great! Now I know who to hit up for a loan.
Brother Kojak, at 2:17 PM
Congratulations Kev. When do I get a piece of this brand SPANKING new pie???
Toni, at 3:14 PM
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